So I stopped by the mailboxes (which in this neighborhood are located at the corner of each street) and checked my box. Two flimsy pieces of junk mail. " Oh well." I thought. It was only put in the mail on Friday. It would have to be some sorta miracle for it to make it that quick.
I went back to the car, got some groceries out and headed into the house. "A few more days won't kill me."
Then I looked down at the doorstep and saw this.
I took my stuff inside, puff puff, and puff, tried to puff, puff control my breathing. I picked up the envelope and took it inside. I sat down at the table and slowly, tore open the package.

The Kingdom of Cambodia (or Kampuchea as the natives call it) is amazing. It's a land of mountains and floodplains. Of ancient and mystical Angkor Wat, and the brutal Killing Fields. The Cambodians a people proud of their 1000 year heritage, but still overcoming the "near total destruction of their educated workforce" by the Khmer Rouge in the mid to late 70s. Over 1 million people were killed during this attempt by the communist regime to erase all traces of western influence from Cambodian society. It's going to be awesome to be part of helping a proud people complete a economic, social and cultural comeback! My volunteer class will be only the second group in, with the Peace Corps program starting in Cambodia in 2007.
This of course comes with some challenges. The first I'm coming up against is language related. It seems that Khmer, the official language of Cambodia is not yet supported by programs like Rosetta Stone and the like. It will be up to me to seek out what resources I can and give myself a leg up prior to my Pre service training. I guess this is the point of going to help out. To help Cambodia grow and be more of a part of the global society. My welcome kit went over a few more potential challenges to give me an idea of what I was getting myself into. My favorite part of the kit though was in one of several letters included from current volunteers describing necessary equipment for exercising: "I'll pull on my cross trainers and go running along the river. I carry my ipod in my left hand and a dog-whacking stick in my right hand (Dogs are feral animals in this country and attack if you enter their territory. They're not lovable pets, but they are delicious)."
Yeah... count me in!
So there you have it. I have between now and July 20 to get a few more ducks in a row and then I'm off! It's kinda funny that here I am, writing about my "Pupa stage" and I get posted to a country that is also in the midst of its own transformation. Sounds like a good match to me.
Chat at ya soon!
song of the next two years: Run to the Hills and Wasted Years by Iron Maiden.
Congratulations! That's so exciting! I can't wait to hear more about it!
I don't know about the dog comments...just be sure what you're eating. I'm happy that you are excited and looking forward to this adventure and I'm sure it will be one . Love you
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